Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ultimate truth ....

In the name of Allah the most beneficial the most merciful

I would like to start by saying I wanted to speak from my heart and not through any particular position that this temporarily world may have given me. Am also being very challenged right now because I am a public speaker because I want to say a meaning that is very sincere, and I think sincerity is something that is very difficult and a very rare commodity nowadays and am speaking for myself I think that the very word personality finding it’s root in Latin word persona meaning mask and I don’t want to have a mask before I speak and am hoping that everyone has shed their mask before they leave and have truly understand one another and looked at one another face trying to genuinely understand another one in what we all believe in below is a verse from the Qur’an.

O people we (God) have created you from a pair from a male and a female and we have made you into peoples and tribes that you may know one another.

I think that I would like to live it of saying that to me in this context Allah, God is if I am allowed to say sin ominous in this context with truth, justice, beauty and a sovereign good and I think that everybody here in one way or the other believes, that there is something true you wouldn’t be here if you believed that nothing can be true and there is something beautiful one way or the other again and there is something good because everybody has good in them, and that there is justice but the only difference between us is how we define respectively truth, justice, beauty and good so let me just tell you that Walahi by Allah I swear is all semantic and if we sit down and talk we will understand one another ultimately everyone will see what is destined for him or her to see but what ever it is not only will we see it through the veils but we will also love one another as it has happened and based on that we will give each other the respect that we have agreed to give each other not because it’s being forced on one another but because we love each other and have become friends and because taa3arafna and because we have gotten to know one another I think that Al – Sheik Bouti may Allah bless him. (Ameen)

Rubadaratil nafiha

That perhaps a harmful thing can bring out benefit and I think that a lot of benefit thing has come out of all this and I am very happy to live in this world in this time to experience this amazing human possibility of taaruf of knowing on another and recognizing the common ground between us we all have a common denominator our numerator is different. That’s all if you allow me to use a mathematical example.

May we all in hope for those who are religious I say a prayer and for those who are not lets just say we hope we look forward to understanding more deeply what truth is in whatever way we believe it to be living a life of beauty, living a life of truth, living a life of justice, living a life of good, and therefore living a life of harmony and therefore having serenity in our heart not living in agitation may none of us ever be a source of agitation for one another ever again.

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